‘Our role is central’: more than 1m Chilean women to march in huge protest Chile

For example, the comparison with the OECD appears limited by the fact that the Chilean indicator focusses on all employed individuals aged 15 years old, or above, whereas the OECD indicator covers the entire population between years. This caveat withstanding, the extent of the gap in Chile is wider than the OECD average. At nine hours, the gender gap in paid hours is less than half as large as the gender gap in unpaid hours. In the comparator Latin American countries, as well as the average of the OECD countries, the difference between the two gaps is significantly smaller. Mirroring the image of the adults’ representation, teenage girls do more unpaid work and teenage boys more paid work in Chile (Figure 1.13, Panel B). The gap in earnings between male and female employees is higher in Chile than elsewhere. One likely explanation for the larger gap implied by the ILO approach is that more women than men work in low paid part-time jobs.

If you are having trouble seeing or completing this challenge, this page may help. I’ve had friends that have been raped, or have had illegal abortions; they were so scared,” said Macarena Cortés, who runs a queer bar located next to Plaza Italia in Santiago, which has become a hotspot for feminist gatherings. Feminists say that Piñera’s rightwing government has done little to address women’s rights issues and has even further limited access for women to abort under the current restricted circumstances.

  • After working for years with children, Díaz directed medical services for schools at the national level, advocating for obligatory school breakfast, a large-scale vaccination program in schools and kindergarten classes for underserved communities.
  • Moreover, a slightly higher share of young women than men are university graduates.
  • Nearly a quarter of women who experienced sexual harassment at work quit the job, and around 40% avoided certain areas.
  • The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law.
  • Chile ratified the United Nation’s Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women in 1988, internationally declaring support for women’s human rights.
  • A couple can also sign a legal agreement before marriage so that all assets continue to be owned by the one who brought them into the marriage.

Bachelet currently serves as the United Nation’s High Commissioner for Human Rights. Since 2018, our team has helped thousands of American, Canadian, British, and Australian men understand online dating better and found a girlfriend/wife from another country. Wondering what are Vietnamese women like, and what Vietnamese woman personality traits are? Want to know how are Vietnamese women different from American and other … When it’s done, she’ll be able to enter the US, and you’ll have to get married within 90 days after her arrival. Yes, Chilean ladies are more open-minded, talkative, and even flirty than most Western women, but they are still more “cold” and reserved than other Latinas. Yes, Chilean girls are probably the most punctual girls in South America.

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Increasing female participation in the workforce generally could contribute up to $27 billion to Chile’s GDP. Hundreds of thousands of people were persecuted, tortured, and imprisoned and over 3,000 were murdered under General Augusto Pinochet. Women lost breadwinners when brothers, fathers, sons, and partners disappeared. Arpillera workshops were places where they applied domestic skills to create works that expressed their frustrations and highlighted collaborative responses to their situation. Women shared their trauma, collectively looked for answers, and created textiles to sell for basic sustenance. In this paper we have studied the circumstances of violence and the influence of social support in the mental health of a sample of 97 Chilean women. The results highlighted the importance of perceived social support on the health of women.

The compatibility of being a mother with a working life (“When a mother works for pay, children suffer”). As discussed in the second part of this report, the latter is an important aspect that gender-sensitive education aims to address (see the section on “Reducing gender stereotypes”). As women comprise a majority of the informal economy in Latin America and the Caribbean, this pandemic makes them more vulnerable to unemployment and poverty. The reforms announced are even more relevant now, as we consider the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on gender inequalities. She returned in 1979, graduated with a medical degree, eventually working with the Ministry of Health after Chile’s transition to democracy in 1990. In 2000, she was appointed Minister of Health, and two years later, Minister of Defense. In 2006, she served her first term as president of Chile and was later reelected in 2013.


One simple indicator of the gender pay differences is the prevalence of low-income workers among women and men. In Chile, more than one in seven (13.6%) full-time female workers earn less than two-thirds of the median wage (Figure 1.10).

Women against the state: Political opportunities and collective action frames in chile’s transition to democracy

In addition, Molina stressed the role of women in the vote and their possibility of influencing the outcome of the plebiscite. In this respect, she recalled that in “2020, 7 and a half million people voted; almost 4 million of us were women”. In the opinion more on chilean women more on https://toplatinwomen.com/dating-latina/chilean-women/ of Xiomara Molina, of the Permanent Assembly for the Legalization of Abortion, the new constitutional text “has to do with the construction of a society collectively with principles such as solidarity, equality and social justice”.

The relatives of these “disappeared” pled for their return but were met with silence. The event took place at the Caupolicán Theater, located in downtown Santiago, and was called “Caupolicanazo Feminista por la Nueva Constitución” and was organized by at least 37 social organizations.

In the workplace, three out of ten women have suffered non-verbal harassment; two out of ten have experienced both verbal harassment and physical harassment. In most cases, the perpetrator of the harassment or assault is either a co-worker (45%) or a manager (36%). Nearly a quarter of women who experienced sexual harassment at work quit the job, and around 40% avoided certain areas. The share of women who declare to have experienced harassment in public spaces is twice as high as the share of men who do.

Young people did just that on Monday, picking up where Beatriz left off and marching with her painted cardboard protest sign to a central plaza in Antofagasta. Marches from other sectors of the city were on their way, and education, health and other workers adhering to the feminist strike were beginning to congregate at a multi-generational rally in preparation for a united march.

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